Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Favorite T.V. Show

Each week the students write using The Write From the Beginning Program. The program teaches the students to write using Thinking Maps. Over the last several weeks we have been writing "to tell why." The students have written about their favorite food, their favorite color, their favorite toy, and this week they wrote about their favorite t.v. show. They first brainstormed their favorite shows on a Circle Map. They then chose one show to write about in a Flow Map. On the Flow Map they had to write three reasons why it was their favorite show. They also had to include adverbs in their writing. They then used the Flow Map to help them write sentences. After they were finished, the students came to guided writing with me to edit and revise their work. After revising their work, the students created their own television to illustrate their favorite t.v. show. Sorry there are no pictures - I forgot to take any!

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