Monday, January 30, 2012

Globes: Land and Water

Last week in Social Studies we talked about different landforms and bodies of water that are found on earth. As a part of that study we played a game where the students rolled the globe to one another. When the globe rolled towards them, they could only touch it wiht one hand. They then had to identify if the part their hand landed on was land or water. As each person had a turn, we tallied their response. The students quickly realized that they landed on water the majority of the time. This led to a discussion of how the earth is covered mostly in water. After the game, the students folded a paper plate into fourths. To help them remember that the earth is mostly water and that is approximately three/fourths water, they colored three out of four parts as water and one out of four parts as land. This was a fun way to also introduce a little bit of fractions and probability.

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