Saturday, April 25, 2015

Dale Chihuly Sculptures

While looking at some pictures of Dale Chihuly's glass sculptures, I got an idea on how to make some simple sculptures with my third, fourth, and fifth graders using recycled materials common household materials. The students worked together to wrap the cardboard tubes from lamination rolls and covered them in foil. They twisted the ends of the foil at one end to make a point. They then spread out sheets of tissue paper on the tables and sprayed them with Elmer's Spray Adhesive. They then rolled the foil covered tubes on them to create the color. The bases are just small pieces of scrap wood with dowel rods nailed/glued on. Our PE Coach helped me make the bases during our conference period one day. Yay for great teammates! This was super easy but cool. We still have them displayed in the back hallway where you can see them from the inside or outside.

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