Thursday, November 11, 2010

Rainy Day Recess

As the weather is changing, we have to find creative ways to give the students opportunities for fun, physical activities for recess even when the weather is inclement. One of our favorite activities is doing exercises to a video called Rainy Day Recess. Rainy Day Recess can be found on Discovery Education. Although Discovery Education is a primarily a school resource, there are great Home Resources that include homework help in the core subjects. Below are a few pictures of our class and Ms. Goolsbay's class doing Rainy Day Recess together.
As a side note, we do go outside for recess every day, weather permitting. As the weather is changing, please make sure your child brings a jacket to school each day.

1 comment:

  1. Rainy Day recess looks like fun! I am also a first grade teacher, and we have Discovery Education, so I'll have to look for Rainy Day Recess. We started a blog this week: I'd love your advice and tips as a try this out with first grade. Here is my own blog as well:
