Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Blog on Fire Award

Thank you to Rebecca at Teaching First for giving my blog the Blog on Fire Award! It is very sweet of you. If you have not had a chance to check out her blog, click here! I love blogging and reading other people's blogs so it is very rewarding to know that others find my blog useful and relevant. Thanks to all who read my blog and thanks to all who share their wonderful ideas through this crazy online world!

So as a part of receiving this blog, I am supposed to tell you seven things about myself and then pass the award on to seven other blogs.

Here are seven non-educational, completely random things about me...and I mean completely random:
  1. My newest obsession is Pinterest - follow me here! But, if you follow me on Pinterest, please don't blame me if you get addicted!
  2. I am a technology junkie...why else would I be blogging when I'm sleep deprived?
  3. I am addicted to Diet Coke. If only I could have it pumped through my veins...
  4. Concerts are my favorite passtime - I saw Steven Tyler two weeks before he fell of the stage (the first time that is), a real-life Beatle (Sir Paul, himself), was in the background of a Bon Jovi video, and experienced my first "mosh pit" thanks to Jared Leto.
  5. My new favorite t.v. show is Revenge. Once Upon a Time looks promising too - I like all of the literary references. (Speaking of...I'm watching Revenge right now; the life of the teacher is multi-tasking.)
  6. I used to love reality t.v. until it became more fake than Kim Kardashian's wedding!  
  7. I cannot put furniture together to save my life...I read the first direction and give up. So, although I love to look at IKEA, I probably will never buy anything there.
Now, to pass on the award to seven fellow bloggers. It is very hard to choose, but these are the blogs that are new to me that I have been reading lately:
  1. First Grader...At Last
  2. Learning With Mrs. Parker
  3. First Grade Fabulous Fish
  4. Rowdy in First Grade
  5. Pencils Glue and Tying Shoes
  6. The First Grade Jungle
  7. Castles and Crayons
Thank you to all of these teachers for sharing their expertise with the rest of us!

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