Monday, May 14, 2012

Inventors: Thomas Alva Edison

In Social Studies, we are studying various inventors. One of the inventors we are studying is Thomas Alva Edison. After reading about his various inventions and how they have led to other inventions we use each day, the students created a Bubble Map using Kidspiration software to brainstorm as many inventions that we use today that have a lightbulb. The students then wrote papers about at least one invention we would not have if it had not been for Edison's invention of the lightbulb and typed them in Microsoft Word. They then exported their Bubble Map from Kidspiration and imported it into Word at the bottom of their sentences. It is amazing how much technology students can learn if they are just exposed to it. Their final drafts were printed and displayed in the hallway. They also uploaded their Kidspiration Bubble Maps into their KidBlog.

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