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Monday, January 21, 2013
Comparing Fairy Tales
A few weeks back, we read various fairy tales to discuss recurring phrases and their meanings. We also worked on identifying story elements....
Monday, January 16, 2012
Cinderella and Prince Cinders
As a part of our study of fairy tales, we read Prince Cinders by Babette Cole . Prince Cinders is a funny and modern twist to the classic Ci...
Cinderella: Reality or Fantasy
The last few weeks we have been reading various fairy tales. One of our lessons focused on identifying events in Cinderella that could be re...
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Comparing Fairy Tales
Today we compared Little Red Riding Hood and Cinderella to discuss how fairy tales typically begin with the phrase "once upon a time...
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Casa Manana Field Trip
As a conclusion to our Language Arts lessons on comparing versions of Cinderella, our class visited Casa Manana in Fort Worth to watch their...
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Cinderella Tales
Over the last several weeks we have been reading and comparing several versions of Cinderella. We read the classic version and two more mod...
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