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Sunday, September 27, 2015
Second Grade Rockets
Second Grade practiced using a ruler as a tool for measurement when drawing. Each student had to draw a rocket ship that was five inches lo...
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Planet Research
The students worked in small groups to research a specific planet. Each group was responsible for finding three important facts about their ...
To Be An Astronaut...
In writing the students have been learning to explain why or why not they think something. Since we were researching space in reading, they ...
Space Research
The students used their questions they had about space from a previous lesson and then worked in small groups to find answers using a variet...
Night and Day
In science we learned about the differences between night and day. We learned about stars, moon phases, and the rotation of Earth around the...
Space Questions
As a part of our lessons on non-fiction texts and features, we began to research space. The students first had to brainstorm questions they ...
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Space Food
As a part of our study of space, we learned about how astronauts have to eat. We learned that they often used packaged food that can be eate...
Space Facts
As a part of our space research, the students wrote and illustrated at least one fact they found independently from an informational text. ...
As a part of our study of day and night, the students learned about constellations. They then created their own constellation on black paper...
Space Research Papers
After researching space from various informational texts, the students used their Circle Maps to independently write research papers. Before...
Day and Night
In science the students learned about the cycle of day and night. To show what they know, they drew a picture with labels of sunrise, day, s...
Space Research
In reading we have been learning about informational texts. As a part of those lessons, the students have been using various non-fiction sou...
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