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Water Colors
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Showing posts with label
Water Colors
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Sunday, September 27, 2015
Second Grade Rockets
Second Grade practiced using a ruler as a tool for measurement when drawing. Each student had to draw a rocket ship that was five inches lo...
First Grade Crazy Hair Lines
The First Graders recently drew self portraits with crazy hair to practice drawing various lines, after drawing their portraits and coloring...
Kindergarten Lines and Colors
The Kindergarten students practiced making various lines in pencil and then traced them in permanent marker. The following week, the used li...
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Kindergarten Kandinsky Inspired Art
Kindergarten created abstract paintings based on the works of Wassily Kandinsky . They first used cardboard tubes to stamp black circles all...
Wayne Thiebaud: Fourth Grade Cakes
Fourth graders learned how to draw three tier cakes as a part of our study on artist Wayne Thiebaud. They reviewed basic types of lines and ...
Wayne Thiebaud: Second Grade Cupcakes
Second graders learned to draw a cupcake using the entire picture plane as a part of our school wide Wayne Thiebaud artist study. After draw...
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Fourth Grade Pumpkins
Fourth Graders worked on drawing overlapping pumpkins. They added a horizon line to separate the land and sky. They added details to show im...
Second Grade Scarecrows
Second Grade has been working on drawing pictures using simple shapes and then adding detail such as implied texture. The students followed ...
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Mouse Paint: Kindergarten
Kindergarten read Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh to learn about primary colors and the secondary colors created by mixing those colors. A...
The Line: Third Grade
Third Grade read The Line by Paula Bossio to discuss how various lines form various pictures. We talked about the importance of being able ...
Lines That Wiggle: First and Second Grade Lines
First and Second Grade read Lines That Wiggle by Candace Whitman to learn about various types of lines. They then drew various lines with b...
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