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Monday, March 12, 2018
Banksy and Warhol Inspired Snowflakes
Banksy Inspired Printed Snowflakes
Scrapbook Paper Collaged Christmas Trees
Northern Lights
Polar Bears
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Third Grade Texture Snowmen
Although the drawings/paintings themselves look simple, the students had to measure and mix tempera paint and baking soda to create a snow-l...
Fourth and Fifth Grade Snowmen
Elfie Selfies
My last minute addition to our campus' holiday door decorating:
Friday, April 24, 2015
Grand Prairie ISD Experience
Our district is an open choice district where families and students can apply for a school of their choice. To showcase different options wi...
Door Decorating Contest
Our school had a holiday door decorating contest during December. This was my contribution to the art room door. I created a giant gingerb...
Kindergarten Thumbprint Holiday Lights
Kindergarten practiced making wavy lines with permanent black markers. After making their lines, they added holiday lights with their thumbp...
Fifth Grade Birch Trees
To experiment with color mixing and tape resist, the fifth grade students created birch trees. They first added three strips of painters tap...
Catching Snow in Fourth Grade
Fourth Grade students performed "Show Me The Snow" for their music program this year. To go along with this and some previous less...
Third Grade Snowmen
We obviously went with a snowman theme in the younger grades during winter. For this lesson, I asked the third graders to take turns laying ...
Second Grade Snowmen
Second Graders also created snowmen but they created them by cutting paper. They traced various sized bowls for the body and head. They cut ...
First Grade Snowmen
I asked First Graders what a snowman would look like if they tilted their head to the left or to the right to begin a discussion on perspect...
Kiindergarten Snowmen
Kindergarten practiced fine motor skills by tracing circles of various sizes, cutting them out, and then arranging them however they chose ...
Saturday, February 22, 2014
If I Lived in a Snow Globe
The students wrote sentences to explain what they would do if they lived in a snow globe. They then created a snow globe out of construction...
Monday, January 21, 2013
Snowflake Desciptive Writing
The students used a Tree Map with questions on it to help them describe what a snowflake looks like, feels like, and what you can do with it...
The Snowman
The students read and watched the video of The Snowman by Raymond Briggs. They then created their own snowman art. The students were very...
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