Showing posts with label Interdependence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interdependence. Show all posts

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Measuring in the Garden

To review measuring and comparing length, we took our math lesson out to the school garden. Using pop cubes, the students took turns estimating and then measuring the various heights of plants. They compared the pop cube lengths to one another to determine which plant was the longest and which was the shortest. While we were in the garden we reviewed the parts of the plants and how bugs and plants are interdependent upon one another.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Interdependence of Plants and Animals

To assess their understanding of the interdependence of plants and animals, the students created posters to show how at least one animal depends on a plant in the garden habitat.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


My teammate, Mrs. Timms, who plans science for our team, taught all of first grade how to make a terrarium. Using soda bottles cut in half, the students first added soil to the bottom half of the container. As they took turns, we discussed what is in soil and how soil is used. They then added a plant to the soil followed by more soil. Next they added water. We discussed that plants need soil, water, and air. The teachers then placed the top of the soda bottle on top of the bottom piece. Once back in class, the students created a four flap foldable to indicate the steps taken to create the terrarium. On the top, they drew the pictures with labels and under the flaps they wrote sentences using transition words. By the end of the day the students were already able to see how the water was evaporating to the top of the container which lead into a discussion of the water cycle.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


As we studied the interdependce of animals and thier habitats, we took a close look at earthworms. The students created a Circle Map to share what they already knew about earthworms and then we read and added information from Diary of an Earthworm by Doreen Cronin. We then watched various short videos from Discovery Education about earthworms to learn about how earthworms use soil and how they help the soil. The students then drew their own earthworms and wrote at least two "Did you know?" facts about their earthworms. Their earthworms and writing were added to our class garden display.

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