The students had to come up with two different plans, or ways, to fill in a fish picture using pattern blocks. They had to use critical thinking to come up with all the different ways it can be completed. After making their plans, the students chose one plan to glue down using paper pattern blocks. They then counted how many of each shape they used and wrote the total number of pattern blocks used. It is neat to see all of the different ways that the students came up with to complete the pattern block fish!
Spring Bunny Art Project
1 week ago
This is very cute! Did this sheet come from a book? Did it have other activities similar in it? I love that it required higher level thinking. Thanks for sharing!
The template did from a book but I do not know which one. I received a copy from a former teammate. PreKinders website ( has great pattern block mats that could be used for the same concept. Hope that helps!