Showing posts with label Even and Odd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Even and Odd. Show all posts

Monday, March 11, 2013

Bubble Burst

To help the students differentiate between even and odd numbers, they have been playing a game called Bubble Burst. The goal of the game is burst all of the odd numbers. As they play, the students help one another identify which bubbles to burst and must explain why. It keeps them thoroughly engaged.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Number Pattern Turkeys

In math we have been learning about number patterns including odd and even. The students worked in groups to identify even and odd numbers on a 30 chart. Each student was then given a number card. They cirlced their number on their 30 chart and identified if their number was even or odd. They then extended their skip counting pattern five more times. They then created a turkey and wrote their number pattern on the turkey feathers.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Bubble Burst: Odd Numbers

Now that we have the Promethean Board in our class, we have been doing a variety of review games from various websites. One of the students' favorite games is Bubble Burst. In this game, the students have to pop all of the bubbles with odd numbers in them. During these mini-reviews, one student gets to be "Board Boss" and choices a student to play who is showing the good behavior characteristics from our Capturing Kids' Hearts Social Contract. I love this game because it is highly engaging for the students without being overwhelming on the graphics side but also because the students have to work together to rationalize quickly which would be odd and which would be even. The students work well together to tell one another which to choose and why.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Number Pattern Turkeys

Today we practiced skip counting by twos with both even and odd numbers. The students started by coloring the even numbers of a thirty chart. They quickly discovered that they were skip counting by two. They then colored the odd numbers on the chart. We discussed that this is also skip counting by two. The students then picked a number card from 1-20 and identified if their number was even or odd. We formed two groups based off of the numbers - an even group and an odd group. The students then circled their number on the thirty chart. They then circled the next five numbers in their skip counting pattern. Using feather and turkey body patterns, the students traced and cut out shapes to create their own turkey. They then wrote their skip counting pattern on the turkey's feathers and identified whether their numbers were even or odd. They then shared their number patterns with their table groups.

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