I am truly blown away by how far this group of first graders came in their reading this year. To celebrate, we went outside on the last day of school to blow bubbles!
In science as a part of our study in measurement, the students used pop cubes to measure their birth length. The students compared the length of the pop cubes, or their birth length, to their current height. They then traced the cubes onto paper and drew themselves as a baby at that specific length.
This six weeks we are learning about how we grow and change, how organisms depend upon one another and their habitat. This week we focused on human growth with an emphasis on slow and fast changes. To help the students visualize how much they have grown and changed, we played a guessing game to see if students could recognize their classmates' baby pictures. The students were rolling in the floor laughing as the student in the picture would walk up to the picture and reveal themselves.