This six weeks we have been learning more about money; in paticular, we have been focusing on coins and their relationship to the penny. Students should be able to recognize a penny, nickel, dime, and quarter by sight and identify their value. As a part of the value, students are expected to know that a quarter is the same as twenty-five pennies, etc.
To help your children learn, we have been practicing the following poem in class:
Penny, penny, easily spent,
Copper brown and worth one cent.
Nickel, Nickel, thick and fat.
You're worth 5,
I know that.
Dime, dime, little and thin.
I remember, you’re worth 10.
Quarter, quarter, big and bold.
You're worth 25 I am told!
In addition to helping your child with this fun poem, you can visit
ABCTeach to print the coins for your child to practice with at home.