Second Grade has been working on drawing pictures using simple shapes and then adding detail such as implied texture. The students followed multi-step directions to draw a friendly scarecrow. After drawing, they traced their scarecrows in permanent markers and then painted them using watercolors. I love how these turned out!
On St. Patrick's Day, the students wrote what they would do if they found a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. They then followed multi-step directions to draw a leprechaun. They added a rainbow background to their drawing.
To practice following multi-step directions, the students learned how to draw a tent as a part of our camping theme. The students were given step by step oral directions accompanied by picture cues. They followed the steps one at a time and then colored their pictures. I love how they are all unique yet similar at the same time. After they drew their pictures, we brainstormed as a class the things that they would need to do to go camping. The students then put the steps in order on a Flow Map. They used the Flow Map to help them write a How To paper on camping.
As a class the students brainstormed things they wanted to learn in first grade. We charted those responses on a Circle Map. The students each completed a sentence about the one thing they old most like to learn. Then, as a part of a lesson on following directions, the students followed multi-step directions to color a Moseley Thunderbird.
While learning how to follow multi-step directions with writing and picture cues, the students learned how to draw a tent. They also learned how to draw a tree. Using our classroom document camera, I was able to show the students step-by-step and in writing how to draw the pictures.As I explained the steps, they performed them. Their pictures turned out great!
As a part of a lesson on how to follow multi-step directions, the students drew a map of familiar places in the school. After completing the maps, we went on a scavenger hunt throughout the school. The students were given directional words, as a review of Social Studies, to help them follow the map and find the hidden object. As we went on the scavenger hunt, the students identified various signs and symbols along with their meanings.
In reading we have been learning to follow multi-step directions with picture cues. For these lessons, the students learned to draw tents and trees to go along with our camping theme. They had to read the written directions on the projector along with the step-by-step pictures. After each step, we discussed what we did and how following the steps in order helps drawing the pictures easier. After the students drew these two pictures, we transitioned into a science lesson. When possible, I try to connect the different subjects together. I believe it makes for stronger connections to the concepts. For science, we discussed the differences between living and non-living things. We then created a t-chart to list various living and non-living things. After brainstorming, the students went back to their pictures from the reading lesson and added at least three living things and three non-living things to their camping picture. They then labeled each thing and circled it in a certain color to indicate if it was living or non-living. They then shared their drawings with their neighbors.