Showing posts with label Parts of a Set. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parts of a Set. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Name Parts of a Set

To quickly review parts of a set, the students colored their names to sort the vowels and consonants. They then counted how many vowels were in their name out of the whole set and how many consonants out of the whole set. This mini lesson can be found on my TpT store.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Pizza Fractions

The students worked in small groups to solve fraction pizza puzzles. As they worked we talked about how the more the pizza was divided, the smaller the pieces got. We talked about the importance of each piece being equal and that fractions must be the same size and shape. They then pretended to eat parts of the pizza and orally gave statements of the part of the set such as "I ate 1 out of 4 pieces of pizza. There are 3 out of 4 pieces left." They then made foldables to show various pizza fractions. They used a black crayon to model the part that they "ate."



Parts of a Set Kites

To learn more about parts of a set, the students chose four colors to color a kite and its bows. They did not have to use all four colors but had to choose four total in order to do the math. After coloring the triangles of the kite and the bows, they completed a cloze activity to identify how many of each color there were in the whole set.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Fraction Action

To introduce parts of a set, or fractions, the students used various food samples. They used cheese and folded it in halves and then in fourths. They also used graham crackers and candy bars.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Parts of a Set: Names

To review parts of a set, the students colored their names in blue and red. They colored the vowels blue and the consonants red. They then counted how many vowels and consonants they had in their name and recorded it as fraction. It was a fun and easy way to practice parts of a set while also reviewing consonants and vowels.

Fraction Caterpillars

To review fractions and parts of a set, the students created Fraction Caterpillars. This idea originally came from The First Grade Parade. The students used dot stickers to create a caterpillar and then recorded how many of each color they had out of the set.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Pattern Block Fractions

Ms. Willemin taught the students a lesson on fractions using pattern blocks. The students started with a hexagon. They then had to find which two pieces could cover the entire hexagon - two trapezoids. They then had to find three shapes that would cover those shapes - three diamonds. They then had to cover the shape with six triangles. The lesson was to reinforce that fractions are equal and that a whole can be divided into smaller parts.

Food Fractions

Ms. Willemin taught the students a lesson on fractions, or parts of a set, using food items. The students broke cookies in half (circle fractions), cut a piece of bread into quarters (square fractions), a graham cracker into fourths (rectangle fractions), and animal crackers (irregular shaped fractions) to learn that fractions must be equal parts.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Fraction Caterpillars

To review parts of a set, the students created Fraction Caterpillars that were inspired by a lesson I read about on The First Grade Parade. On Mrs. Carroll's lesson, the students used pom pom balls to create the fraction caterpillars but we used Do-A-Dot paint. The students chose three different colors to create their caterpillar and then recorded the parts of a set on the recording sheet. They then cut out their caterpillars and glued them to the top of the recording sheet.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

M&M Parts of a Set

To teach about parts of a set, the students again used M&Ms. I would instruct the students to pull out a certain number of M&Ms of two different colors. They would identify the parts of a set for each color. I would use questions such as "What part of the set is blue?" and "What part of the set is not red?" Although we only have to identify fractions and parts of a set up to four parts in first grade, it was good practice for the terminology.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Playdough Fractions

To help the students visualize fractions, or parts of a set, the students created playdough "cookies" which they had to cut apart to share with their friends. The students first rolled out playdough and then used the container to cut out a circle. I then gave them a variety of scenarios in which they had to share their "cookie" with someone. For example, if I said that two friends wanted to share the "cookie" then they had to divide it into halves. I would ask them how much had been eaten if only one friend ate their piece and they would have to respond with "1 out of 2." We repeated this several times by dividing the "cookies" into thirds and fourths. I would ask the students various questions including how much was left behind if a certain part was eaten.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Fraction Caterpillars

To review parts of a set, the students made fraction caterpillars. Thank you to Mrs. Carroll from The First Grade Parade  for inspriing this wonderful idea! The students used three different colors of dot paint to create a caterpillar. They then told what part of the set each color was on their caterpillar. The students then added them to their hallway garden display.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Parts of a Set

To practice parts of a set, each student filled a cup with a random number of two-color counters. They then shook the cup and let the counters land on a random color. This is similar to the game "Shake Those Beans." After spilling the counters, the students counted how many total counters they had. They then counted what part was red and what part was yellow. They then created a four-part foldable to illustrate their findings. After illustrating, they labeled the pictures with statements such as "4 out of 7 are red." and "3 out of 7 are yellow." We talked about the total number staying the same and the first two numbers, the parts, adding up to equal the total amount.

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