Showing posts with label Hundreds Chart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hundreds Chart. Show all posts

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Place Value: Interactive Hundreds Board

To help the students prepare for their end of year exam and to review place value, we played a game on the Promethean Board using the interactive hundreds board on TeacherLed. I woud call out a clue to a mystery number that they students had to find on the board. For example, I would say "I'm thinking of a number that has seven tens and four ones." They students would highlight the number on the board. Other clues would be "I am thinking of a number that is the same as the expanded notation 40+5." I planned ahead what numbers to use so that the numbers would make a design once we were completed. This added to the students' level of engagement as they tried to figure out what the mystery picture would be. This mini-lesson is inspired by the work of Marcy Cook.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Place Value Hearts

This week in math we are extending our knowledge of place value to numbers up to 99. We are continuing to work on identifying the number of tens and ones as well as putting numbers in order from greatest to least and vice versa. We are also working on recognizing numbers in word form and expanded notation. For a fun Valentine's Day related activity, I gave each student a hundreds chart. I used the hundreds chart from Lil' Country Kindergarten. She has a large number of hundreds charts that can be colored to reveal pictures. We used the heart hundreds chart. Instead of having the students just read the numbers at the top and color them in, I called out various forms of the numbers for them to find. For example, I would say "Find the number that is 4 tens and 5 ones and color it pink." The students would verbally tell me that it was the number 45. I would then say "Find the number that would be 70 + 5 in expanded notation" and they would say "75." We continued until all of the numbers were colored in to reveal a picture. I have done similar activities to this in the past with Marilyn Burns' resources.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Number of Days in School

Each day during calendar we count the number of days we have been in school. We first count them using straws in a place value pocket chart like this one. We then turn the number over on the Hundreds Chart. Prior to turning over the number, the calendar helper asks their classmates to identify what number will come next and to make a prediction about its color pattern. Our numbers alternate in an AB color pattern. The students also identify if the number is even or odd. Following this, the students add a dot sticker to our Today's Number chart. The number chart is made of ten frames. The students add the dots one day at a time in a color pattern. This not only helps with patterns, but allows the ten frames to be skip counted by fives in addition to being counted by tens. After adding the dot sticker, the students count the number first by tens and ones. They then count the number again but this time they count by fives and ones. To help the students recognize when to break the counting pattern, they clap each time there is an incomplete row on a ten frame. This signals to them they need to start counting by ones. After counting the number several ways, they identify how many tens and ones are in the day's number and then write down the information along with its expanded notation.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Interactive Hundreds Chart

In our class we use a hundreds chart for many different math skills. Today we used an interactive hundreds chart that you can also use at home. We practiced skip counting by coloring in the patterns of counting by 2's, 5's, and 10's. We also created designs by identifying place value numbers. For example, if we heard 2 tens and 5 ones, we colored in the number 25. We also created our own designs that we will write clues for to be added to our math tubs. You will be surprised what your child will do with this chart!
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