In a training with one of our district math strategists, we learned a technique to get students to show what they know. Each group has a different pen or marker color and completes one portion, task, or question at a given station. They then rotate to the next station and do the same. They either add to what the other group has done or come up with a different answer. Using this idea, I created
Place Value Depictions to 120. These worksheets allow students to depict numbers in pictorial models (sticks and dots for tens and ones), on a tens/ones chart, in expanded form, and in written form. I set up stations around the room with one of these worksheets at each. The students rotated to each station until all the ways to depict the numbers were completed. I loved it because the students could not always rely on completing the portion that came the easiest to them - someone else may have already done that portion. The kids loved it because they got to work together and it was like a puzzle to them. I plan to continue having the kids work on these in math tubbing. Once we have a complete set, I will bind them as a class book for them read as review. You can download the file