Showing posts with label Downloads. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Downloads. Show all posts
Monday, March 12, 2018
Base Ten Posters with Expanded Notation
These posters represent numbers to 30 using Base Ten blocks. The posters include the numerical and word from as well the quantity of tens and ones and expanded notation. The posters can also be folded in half to create flashcards. Once they are folded in half, glue the back sides together and laminate. Students can use the pictorial model and record the number of tens and ones and its expanded notation or vice versa.
Place Value Clip Cards with Expanded Notation
This Place Value Clip Card set is meant to be used as independent practice during math stations or during small group tutoring. Students count the Base Ten Blocks and clip the correct expanded notation answer with a clothes pin or paper clip.
Option 1: The students can use the corresponding recording sheet to draw a pictorial model of your card and write the expanded notation.
Option 2: The teacher can add a sticker on the back of the card corresponding to the correct answer so the students can check their own answer.
Option 1: The students can use the corresponding recording sheet to draw a pictorial model of your card and write the expanded notation.
Option 2: The teacher can add a sticker on the back of the card corresponding to the correct answer so the students can check their own answer.
Base Ten Flashcards to 100
- Play “Around the World” to review
- Create a Tree Map to show various ways to represent numbers
- Play “Concentration” to match various ways to represent numbers
- Build numbers using manipulatives
- Order cards from greatest to least, least to greatest
Printable Base Ten Blocks
Several people have asked for Printable Base Ten Blocks to go along with my lesson on creating Place Value Initials. This set includes a printable sheet of tens, ones, and hundreds in black and white.
Place Value Clip Cards
This Place Value Clip Card set is meant to be used as independent practice during math stations or during small group tutoring. Students count the Base Ten Blocks and clip the correct expanded notation answer with a clothes pin or paper clip.
Option 1: The students can use the corresponding recording sheet to draw a pictorial model of your card and write the expanded notation.
Option 2: The teacher can add a sticker on the back of the card corresponding to the correct answer so the students can check their own answer.
Option 1: The students can use the corresponding recording sheet to draw a pictorial model of your card and write the expanded notation.
Option 2: The teacher can add a sticker on the back of the card corresponding to the correct answer so the students can check their own answer.
Place Value Initials Download

Teachers Pay Teachers: Bishop's Blackboard
Check out my store on Teachers Pay Teachers! You will find many general education resources for math, science, and reading along with decorative art items.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Lost Marbles Balancing Equations
Although I teach visual arts now, I still create some general education materials by request. I was recently asked to come up with a math station activity for finding balanced equations. So, I came up with the concept of Lost Marbles. This “print and go” set of balanced equation problems for students to solve are a quick, low prep addition to math stations. Students add the two colors of marbles in the first jar to find the sum and use that sum to find the missing addend in the second jar to equal the same sum. Students can use manipulatives such as marbles, two-color counters, or beans to find the missing addend. The set includes sums from 4 to 10 and a blackline master to use for creating additional problems. Two versions of recording sheets are included for accountability. You can download the file from my TpT store.
Balancing Equations,
Math Centers,
Math Stations,
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Content Board and Grade Level Banners
We all know that anchor charts are a huge part of a classroom. I believe that they should be separated by content. To add a little bit of color above the bulletin boards, I created these Content Board and Grade Level Banners and added them to my Teachers Pay Teachers Store. The banners can be pieced together on ribbon for display. The sets include triangle pieces to assemble the following words: Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies, Word Wall Daily Five, CAFE, Art. P.E., Physical Education, Music, Computers, Library, Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth. These designs match my Word Wall Headers.
Fry's Instant Words Handwriting Practice
I created a set of handwriting sheets for all of Fry's Instant Word Lists and added them to my Teachers Pay Teachers Store. These words are the most frequent words in the English language and this set is great for repeated practice of those words. The more the students see the words, the more likely they are to remember them. The sets can be copied for one time use or laminated for repeated use with Dry Erase markers in centers or as a part of Daily 5.
The sets can be downloaded individually to meet your specific grade level needs:
The sets can also be downloaded in value packs to meet a variety of learning levels:
Word Wall Headers Download
I recently added new Word Wall Headers to my Teachers Pay Teachers store. These are sets of colorful, round alphabet labels to use for your classroom word wall. There are five different styles to choose from to add a splash of color to your room. Click on the links below to download. These sets also match my Content Board and Grade Level Banners.
Teachers Pay Teachers,
Word Wall
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Fry's Instant Words Bingo Games
I created several sets of Bingo games for Fry's Instant Words and uploaded them to my TpT store. There are four sets of Bingo boards in each pack – one for each list in the first set of 100 words and then the second set of 100 words. Each set contains six boards. The games are meant to be utilized during small group lessons such as guided reading and tutoring.
I will be adding additional sets in the coming days! Check out my TpT store for other downloads!
Classroom Management Downloads
I recently uploaded a few files to my TpT store that I have used the last few years for classroom management.
The first is a set of classroom helper cards to use when assigning classroom jobs. I display mine in a small pocket chart with student names next to each job. I rotate the names each week.
The next is a set of guided reading group signs. These signs are for grouping students for guided reading. I put Velcro tabs next to each sign and each student had a Velcroed name tag. The name tags could be moved from group to group quickly as their levels changed. I also used the grouping signs on the guided reading book baskets. Using colors for the guided reading groups kept the students from knowing which groups were high, medium, or low.
The last set is a set of cards I used for early finishers. These finished assignment cards are suggested tasks for students to complete when they finish work early. They are in card format to go in a pocket chart so that the teacher can use some or all to differentiate.
The first is a set of classroom helper cards to use when assigning classroom jobs. I display mine in a small pocket chart with student names next to each job. I rotate the names each week.
The next is a set of guided reading group signs. These signs are for grouping students for guided reading. I put Velcro tabs next to each sign and each student had a Velcroed name tag. The name tags could be moved from group to group quickly as their levels changed. I also used the grouping signs on the guided reading book baskets. Using colors for the guided reading groups kept the students from knowing which groups were high, medium, or low.
The last set is a set of cards I used for early finishers. These finished assignment cards are suggested tasks for students to complete when they finish work early. They are in card format to go in a pocket chart so that the teacher can use some or all to differentiate.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Depicting Larger Numbers
In a training with one of our district math strategists, we learned a technique to get students to show what they know. Each group has a different pen or marker color and completes one portion, task, or question at a given station. They then rotate to the next station and do the same. They either add to what the other group has done or come up with a different answer. Using this idea, I created Place Value Depictions to 120. These worksheets allow students to depict numbers in pictorial models (sticks and dots for tens and ones), on a tens/ones chart, in expanded form, and in written form. I set up stations around the room with one of these worksheets at each. The students rotated to each station until all the ways to depict the numbers were completed. I loved it because the students could not always rely on completing the portion that came the easiest to them - someone else may have already done that portion. The kids loved it because they got to work together and it was like a puzzle to them. I plan to continue having the kids work on these in math tubbing. Once we have a complete set, I will bind them as a class book for them read as review. You can download the file here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Pumpkin Patch Place Value
Each student was given a bag of candy pumpkins to count during a Place Value lesson. They used a ten rod sheet to help sort the candy in rows of tens. We discussed that it is quicker to count by tens than by ones because ten is a larger number. After making their pumpkin patch with the candy, they recreated it on the ten rod sheet by thumb printing pumpkins. They then completed a recording sheet to identify how many tens and ones were in their pumpkin patch as well as the expanded notation. Their work was bound into a class book to use during Math Tubbing. The templates can be downloaded from my Teachers Pay Teachers store.
Larger Numbers,
Place Value,
Pumpkin Patch,
Teachers Pay Teachers
Place Value Initials
To practice building larger numbers, the students used printable base ten blocks to build the first letter of their name. They then counted how much their name was worth. The pages were later bound together as a class book so the students can practice counting the larger numbers during Math Tubbing. You can download the template here.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Place Value Depictions to 120 Download
Fellow teachers, I just created a new place value download, Place Value Depiction to 120, for my Teachers Pay Teachers store. These printable posters allow students to depict numbers through pictorial models, expanded notation, written form, and on a tens/ones chart. Students can compare numbers using the various number depictions. The posters can be completed individually or in small groups to reinforce place value skills. The posters can be bound together as a book once completed to use as review. The posters can also be used to assess students' understanding of the place value concept.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Bubble Gum Graphs
To reinforce the concept of graphing, I came up with this quick yet fun assessment. The students were each given various number of dot stickers (the kind you use for garage sales). They placed the gumballs on their gumball machine template. They then had to count the number of gumballs for each color and record their findings on a table. Using the data on the table, they created a bar-type graph. On the bar-type graph, they had to label the title, the numbers, and the answer choices. They also had to answer questions based on the results of their graph. Fellow teachers, you can download this lesson my Teachers Pay Teachers store. I forgot to take a picture of their completed products but they turned out great!
Bar-Type Graph,
Teachers Pay Teachers
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