Showing posts with label Posters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Posters. Show all posts

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Classroom Management Downloads

I recently uploaded a few files to my TpT store that I have used the last few years for classroom management.

The first is a set of classroom helper cards to use when assigning classroom jobs. I display mine in a small pocket chart with student names next to each job. I rotate the names each week.


The next is a set of guided reading group signs. These signs are for grouping students for guided reading. I put Velcro tabs next to each sign and each student had a Velcroed name tag. The name tags could be moved from group to group quickly as their levels changed. I also used the grouping signs on the guided reading book baskets. Using colors for the guided reading groups kept the students from knowing which groups were high, medium, or low.

The last set is a set of cards I used for early finishers. These finished assignment cards are suggested tasks for students to complete when they finish work early. They are in card format to go in a pocket chart so that the teacher can use some or all to differentiate.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Research Posters

The students made posters of flowers to show what they learned through their garden habitat research. They added facts to the middle of each flower. They then presented their facts and posters to their classmates.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Planet Research

The students worked in small groups to research a specific planet. Each group was responsible for finding three important facts about their planet using a text source from the library. They then worked with me at the Promethean to find three additional facts from PebbleGo. After finding their facts, they worked with their groups to create posters about their planet. They presented their findings and posters to the class. The students were highly engaged because they got to become the "experts" on their planet and teach the other students.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Place Value Depictions to 120 Download

Fellow teachers, I just created a new place value download, Place Value Depiction to 120, for my Teachers Pay Teachers store. These printable posters allow students to depict numbers through pictorial models, expanded notation, written form, and on a tens/ones chart. Students can compare numbers using the various number depictions. The posters can be completed individually or in small groups to reinforce place value skills. The posters can be bound together as a book once completed to use as review. The posters can also be used to assess students' understanding of the place value concept.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Author's Purpose Posters and Foldables

In reading we spent a large amount of time analyzing author's purpose. The students explored various forms of media including websites, newspapers, magazines, and product labels to determine their purpose. The students then worked in small groups to create posters to document each purpose. Then independently they created a foldable to draw at least one example of the purpose of each media.

Friday, December 21, 2012

College Day

Every month or so we have "College Day" in our district to keep the students thinking about their future and put their focus on college. As a part of our college day this month, each teacher created a poster to tell about his or her road to college. All of the students in the school went on "college walk" to read about their teachers' educational journeys and to learn about various options for higher education. In first grade, the students also created a poster of their own to indicate that in the year 2024, they too will be heading to college. Each class took part in coloring the poster and each student added their handprint. Their poster said "The Class of 2024. We are college bound!"

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Ways to Make Ten Posters

A common strategy to help students with learning math facts is to teach them to make ten. These posters help the students visualize, on Ten Frames, how many are needed to add to various numbers in order to make ten. Once they know how many is needed to make ten, they can the add the remaining number to ten. For example, with the addition problem 8+5, the student visualizes that it takes 2 more to make 10 from the 8. They then visualize that 5-2= 3. So, 8+5 is the same as 10+3. You can download the posters from my TPT store.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Ten Frame Posters

Fellow teachers, I created two sets of ten frame posters that you might be interested in. The first set of posters includes the numerical and word form of the numbers 1-30 with corresponding ten frames. The second set also includes how many tens and ones comprise the number. The posters can be reduced to flashcard size by printing multiple cards per page on your printers property settings. The posters can be used as anchor charts, bound into a flip book, or used as flashcards in games such as Around the World. You can also print multiple sets in flashcard size for games such as Concentration. The downloads can be found on my TPT store.

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