Showing posts with label Subtraction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Subtraction. Show all posts

Monday, February 28, 2011

Doubles and Doubles+1 Sort

Last week in computer lab the students created a t-chart using Pixie 2 as a way to sort Doubles and their related Doubles+1 addition facts. They modeled the addition facts using dominoes which they then labeled. We first did the lesson as a group using the school's new Promethean Board. The students then completed the work independently at their student stations.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Double It Up!

A few weeks ago in computer lab we reviewed doubles addition and subtraction problems by recreating our Doubles Tree Map on the computer. We used the program Pixie 2 to match dominoes and real-world objects to their addition and subtraction double. Below is a video of the students' work:

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Fact Family Wreaths

Last week in math we were working on solving addition and subtraction word problems. As a part of our lessons, we had a little fun creating pattern block wreaths which we then used to solve a word problem and its corresponding fact families.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Seeing Double!

We continued our math lessons today of adding and subtracting doubles. First, we used pop cubes to demonstrate doubles and created personal anchor charts of the doubles facts. Then, sttudents took turns holding up various doubles dominoes and saying aloud the addition fact represented and its corresponding subtraction fact. We then placed them on a Tree Map. The students then looked at pictures of real world examples of doubles and placed them on the correct branch of the tree. After we completed the Tree Map, students discussed the relationship between the addition and subtraction facts. As an informal evaluation of their understanding, the students put ladybugs with double dots on them in order from least to greatest. They then matched real object examples of doubles to the ladybugs. To help your child practice doubles, visit the Quia website to practice using flashcards, a matching game, and a concentration game.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Doubles Flashcards

This week we are learning addition and subtraction shortcuts such as using "doubles" (1+1=2, 3+3=6, etc.) To help you child at home, you can use the online interactive flashcards found on Math Cafe. There are flashcards for Doubles Addition and Doubles Subtraction. Students need to be able to understand how addition and subtraction problems are related.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Math Tubbing

This six weeks I introduced Math Tubbing to the students. Math Tubbing is like Literacy Stations but with math content. Instead of going to a station, the students get a container filled with content-specific materials (games, books, manipulatives, etc.) that they can work on independently or in small groups. While the students are working on previously taught concepts, I work with small groups in Guided Math. In Guided Math we focus on the specific areas that individual students struggle in. The Math Tubs that the students are using right now include Number Recognition, Place Value, Graphing, Addition/Subtraction Operations, Shapes, Fractions, and Patterns. Students also have the opportunity to use our online computer program, First In Math. Below are some pictures of the students working with Math Tubs.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Problem Solving

We have been working on addition and subtraction word problems intensively over the last week or so. We have been learning various strategies such as acting it out with either manipulatives or ourselves and drawing a picture to help us solve the problem. Below is an example of a way we used manipulatives to create a picture to help solve a problem.
You can help at home by having your child practice various word problems at home. You can use any small items at home (buttons, beans, candy, etc.) to have them act out the problems. A great website to visit for additional practice is Math Playground. The problems that are age appropriate are under the section called Addition and Subtraction - Facts to 20 Single Step. You can have your child practice sections 1 through 10.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Don't Let the Cows Out

In trying to think of a new, engaging way to have the students practice their math facts I came up with a silly game that only kids would love: "Don't Let the Cows Out!". The students sit in a circle and pretend to be a fence while two "cowboys" or "cowgirls" go into the middle to throw the "cows", known to us adults as dice. The first student to call out the sum of the two dice gets to stay in the middle with the cows. The other student goes back to their seat to make "chili" and "beans" for when the "cowboys" and "cowgirls" get tired and hungry from all their math practice. If the "cowboys" or "cowgirls" get to zealous and let the "cows" out of the fence, then they have to go catch them and pretend to clean up after the cows. Although we play with large foam dice, your child can practice the same thing at home with regular dice on the table. It can also be played with subtraction. Below are a few pictures of the students playing:

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dominoe Doubles

During Math Tubbing time, the students practiced identifying Addition Doubles and their Doubles +1 partners using dominoes. Dominoes are a great, inexpensive math manipulative that you can use at home. Many families already have a set of dominoes at home. The dominoes can be used for addition practice, for quick number recognition, and to identify Doubles and Doubles +1 or -1 as we did in class.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Doubles Facts

A strategy to help children learn their math facts at home is to help them learn the Doubles Addition Facts (1+1=2, 2+2=4, etc.) as well as their related subtraction facts. For example, if I know 4+4=8, then 8-4=4. We have previously learned the Double Facts in class and are now working on Doubles Plus 1 and Doubles Minus 1. For extra practice at home visit the interactive flascards pages Doubles Addition, Doubles Subtraction, Doubles Plus 1, and Doubles Minus 1.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Adding It All Up

We have been practicing addition and subtraction all year but this six weeks we have an increased focus on math facts. The students are expected to become fluent in their facts by answering addition facts within three seconds. Currently we are working on sums up to 10; by the end of the year we will be practicing sums up to 18. You can help your child practice their addition facts online at Math Fact Practice. Through this site, you can set timed goals for your child as well as track their progress.

You can also help by pointing out addition and subtraction situations in the real world. Examples include:

  • There are five chicken nuggets on your plate. If you eat three, how many will be left? 5-3=2
  • There are three people in the blue car. There are four people in the green car. How many people are there in all? 3+4=7
  • I have six buttons on my shirt. You have four buttons on your shirt. How many more buttons do I have on my shirt than you? 6-4=2
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