Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Polar Express Day

Last Friday the students were treated to a special story time in the library with our principal, Mrs. Oliver. Mrs. Oliver read The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg. The students were very comfy as they listened because it was also pajama day. Following the reading, the students enjoyed hot chocolate.

Holiday Sing-Along

All the students joined together last Friday in the cafeteria for a holiday sing-along. They students were so happy and singing so loudly!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

"Snow" Fun!

This morning the students practiced writing words and drawing pictures in "snow" (otherwise known as shaving cream). The students love playing in shaving cream and it is a great tool to keep students engaged. We use shaving cream for many purposes such as writing word wall words, drawing sticks and dots for place value practice, writing addition and subtraction sentences to word problems, etc.

Christmas Light Addition

To help the students practice addition and to have a little painting fun, the students used Do-A-Dot Paints to create Christmas lights in two colors. They then counted how many of each color they used to create their lights and wrote corresponding number sentences with labels. We have been working on using labels when answer addition and subtraction word problems.

The Snowman

We watched the dvd version of The Snowman by Raymond Briggs. After watching the students verbally identified the characters, setting, problem, and solution. The students then created their own snowmen.

Gingerbread Subtraction

On Wednesday we reviewed subtraction problems by using Gingerbread mashmallows followed by a fun word problem lesson created by my teammate, Mrs. Timms. The students placed however many gingerbread clipart on a cookie sheet that they wanted. (My teammate used foil which was so cute - too bad I forgot mine at home that day!) They then pretended that some of them fell off of the cookie sheet and glued them all down. They then solved a subtraction word problem by identifying how many gingerbread men were on the cookie sheet to begin with, how many fell off, and how many were left on the cookie sheet. And, of course, the students then ate their gingerbread marshmallows. Yum!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Tree Addition

In the computer lab yesterday the students drew their own trees in the program Pixie 2. They practiced the skill of "click, hold, and drag" to create three overlapping triangles. They then learned to fill in the shapes with the paint bucket feature. For each new section in their tree they had to choose a new shade of green and a new texture background. After their tree was created, they again practiced "click, hold, and drag" to make circle ornaments and filled them with either blue or red. They then typed an addition word problem from the board with their specific number of ornaments. They then solved their addition problems. Lastly, they practiced using the search feature in the clipart, or stickers, section of Pixie 2 to find a star to place on top of their tree. I love the different shapes and sizes of their trees!

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