Showing posts with label Text Evidence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Text Evidence. Show all posts

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Text Evidence

In reading the students are learning to use text evidence to support their answers to questions. Ms. Willemin read Butterfly Cafe with the students from ReadingA-Z. The students then answered various comprehension questions related to the story. They had to find the answers in their books adn document where they found their answers.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Dory Story

During our ocean unit, we read Dory Story by Jerry Pallota. Before reading, we took a "picture walk" to ask questions about what we saw and to make predictions. As the students asked questions, I charted them on the board. Then, as we read, we charted the answers to those questions. If we did not find an answer in the text, we left it blank to reinterate using text evidence to support answers.

The next day we read the story again but this time the focus was on sequencing the ocean food chain from the book. As I read the students verbally retold the order of the food chain. They then wrote the food chain on a Flow Map and illustrated their favorite scene from the book.


Ocean Animal Research

In reading we have been learning about author's purpose, informational texts, and using text evidence. As a part of these lessons, the students worked in small groups with our Instructional Media Specialist, Ms. Hollingsworth, to research various ocean animals. The students took notes about the appearance of the animal, where they live, what they eat, and other interesting facts. They then used those notes to write a research paper. Their research papers were displayed with scuba divers in the hallway for Open House.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Predictions and Text Evidence

Before reading books together we always take a "picture walk" where the students view the front cover and all of the pictures to predict what they think will happen in the story. We recently read Lisa's Daddy and Daughter Day by Eloise Greenfield. The students made various predictions based on the pictures which we charted. After reading, we went back through the predictions to confirm correct predictions and correct inaccurate predictions. Next to the predictions, we charted text evidence that supported the correct predictions. The students then wrote at least one correct prediction from the story and the text evidence that supported it.

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