Friday, April 24, 2015

Holiday Collaborative Projects

During December, since we had a short month, my students mostly worked on collaborative projects. These are some Christmas trees that they made out of tomato cages, mesh fabric, and zip ties. Once I modeled for them how to get started, they were able to easily complete these on their own. We decorated the stage with them and in front of the library. 4th Grade also used them for their holiday PTA program. Included is a picture of a sign the students and I made for their show using the school's poster maker, some die-cuts, scissors, and glue.

Catch Up!

I have taken a break from blogging, with the exception of one post, since November. But, I have some unexpected free time today and some ideas I'd like to share. So, you will soon see an influx of posts dating back from the winter months through now.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Lost Marbles Balancing Equations

Although I teach visual arts now, I still create some general education materials by request. I was recently asked to come up with a math station activity for finding balanced equations. So, I came up with the concept of Lost Marbles. This “print and go” set of balanced equation problems for students to solve are a quick, low prep addition to math stations. Students add the two colors of marbles in the first jar to find the sum and use that sum to find the missing addend in the second jar to equal the same sum. Students can use manipulatives such as marbles, two-color counters, or beans to find the missing addend. The set includes sums from 4 to 10 and a blackline master to use for creating additional problems. Two versions of recording sheets are included for accountability. You can download the file from my TpT store.
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