Showing posts with label Prince Cinders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prince Cinders. Show all posts

Monday, January 21, 2013

Comparing Fairy Tales

A few weeks back, we read various fairy tales to discuss recurring phrases and their meanings. We also worked on identifying story elements. Two books that we read were Cinderella and Prince Cinders. After reading and creating Story Maps for both stories, the students created Double Bubble Maps to record how the stories are the similar and how they are different. They then recorded one thing that was similar on a foldable. On the same fodlable, they wrote two things that were different, yet related to the thing that was similar. For example, both main characters got married. But, Cinderella married a prince and Prince Cinders married a princess. Or, they both lost something. But, Cinderella lost a glass slipper and Prince Cinders lost his trousers.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Cinderella and Prince Cinders

As a part of our study of fairy tales, we read Prince Cinders by Babette Cole. Prince Cinders is a funny and modern twist to the classic Cinderella story. After reading, the students discussed with a partner events that were similar and different from the two stories. We then created a class Double Bubble map to chart their findings. The students then took notes on their own Double Bubble map. They then created a foldable to describe two events in the story that are similar, but not exact, along with the main idea that makes them similar. For example, in Cinderella, she goes to a ball. In Prince Cinders, he goes to a disco. In both, they go to a party.

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