Showing posts with label Reading A-Z. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reading A-Z. Show all posts

Monday, March 11, 2013

Main Idea: Snow Camping

In reading the students have been learning how to identify the main idea and topic of a story using details from the text. Because we were learning about camping, we read Snow Camping from Reading A-Z. Using a triangle graphic organizer, the students wrote down key facts about snow camping on the bottom portion of the triangle. After this, they decided what all of the facts had in common to determine the main idea (middle section) and the topic (top section). The triangle graphic organizer can also be used by starting with the details on top.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Inventors: Garrett Morgan

In Social Studies, we have been researching various inventors. One of the inventors that we studied was Garrett Morgan. Garrett Morgan invented the traffic light. We began our study by reading about him on Reading A-Z. We then discussed why he invented the traffic light which led into a discussion about how inventors first identify a problem, then find brainstorm a solution, and finally create a plan to put that solution into action. We then created a class Circle Map to record facts learned about Garrett Morgan. The students then created a traffic light out of construction paper to write "Did you know?" facts about Garrett Morgan on each "light."

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Main Idea: Hot Air Balloons

To assess the students understanding of main ideas, we read I Fly Hot-Air Balloons from Reading A-Z. As we read, we charted important details from each section on a Multi-Flow Map. Once finished, we discussed what all of those important details had in common and what the author wanted the students to learn from the text, or the main idea. The students then had to explain the main idea of the story in their own words. They wrote the main idea on a basket that they made out of construction paper. They then created a hot-air balloon to attach to the basket.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Comparing and Contrasting Stories

Last week our weekly theme was sports. As a part of our lessons, we read Maria Joins the Team and Carlos Joins the Team from Reading A-Z. The main purpose of the lesson was to have the students retell the story and answer multiple choice questions about the text in order to teach them the strategy of "looking back" and to assess their comprehension. The reason I chose these books is because they are the same story but with slight changes. After reading the first story, the students retold the story to friends and then answered questions about the text. Then we read the second story. As we read, the students began to have that "light bulb" moment when they make connections or notice something unique. They quickly realized the stories were the same. To help them express their thoughts, we created a class Double Bubble Map to compare and contrast the stories. Fellow teachers, Reading A-Z has many different leveled readers that can be used for this purpose.

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