Showing posts with label Temperature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Temperature. Show all posts

Monday, January 21, 2013

Ordering Temperatures

The students felt of there different unseen objects to see which one was the hottest and which one was the coldest. One object was an ice pack, one was hand warmers, and the other was a crumpled paper towel. They recorded their findings and then discussed with a partner which was hottest, coldest, etc. Then as a class, we recorded objects in our homes that are hot, objects that are cold, and objects that are room temperature. They then drew three objects in order from hottest to coldest.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Ordering by Temperature

To help the students understand the differences between cold temperatures, hot temperatures, and room temperatures, we conducted an experiment. Hidden under black cloth book covers, the students felt of three objects to identify which one felt the hottest, which one feld the coldest, and which was was a normal temperature. Under one of the book covers were hand warmers, under another was a gel ice pack, and under the other was a bean bag. The students recorded the order they thought the were in using letters to match the labels on the book covers. The students then illustrated objects found in their home ordering them from hottest to coldest and then from coldest to hottest.

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