Saturday, February 22, 2014

To Be An Astronaut...

In writing the students have been learning to explain why or why not they think something. Since we were researching space in reading, they wrote to explain why or why not they would want to be an astronaut.

Space Research

The students used their questions they had about space from a previous lesson and then worked in small groups to find answers using a variety of sources. They recorded their answers on a Circle Map. They then used the Circle Map to  help them write about the facts they found on a non-fiction text feature template. They wrote details and drew pictures including captions.

Night and Day

In science we learned about the differences between night and day. We learned about stars, moon phases, and the rotation of Earth around the sun. The students illustrated their understanding of the cycles of day and night on a circle template.

Space Questions

As a part of our lessons on non-fiction texts and features, we began to research space. The students first had to brainstorm questions they had about space. They worked in small groups to record their questions on a Circle Map and then we added all of their questions to a t-chart on the Promethean board. We then used various non-fiction sources to find answers to those questions.

Aging Booth

Just for fun on the 100th day of school, we used an app on the class IPad called Aging Booth. Aging Booth lets you take a picture and then it adds "aging" marks to show what you might look like the in the future. The kids were laughing hysterically about the pictures. I will admit though that a few of them thought it was "kind of creepy." I couldn't agree more!

When I'm 100...

The students wrote to explain what they will be like when they are 100 years old. They then used these great templates from Teachers Pay Teachers to create an older version of themselves.

100th Day Snack

To celebrate the 100th day the students were asked to bring in various snack items. Each student then made a placemat with ten circles on it. They chose ten pieces of each snack item that was brought it to add to their placemat. As a class we practiced counting by tens to 100. They then combined their tens to make a 100 day trail mix. They also made bags of trail mix for the office staff, specials staff, and our PTA volunteers.

100th Day Show and Tell

For the 100th day of school, we read 100th Day Worries by Margery Cuyler. As a homework assignment, the students collected a bag full of 100 items. Some of the students brought in items that were alike, some brought in ten groups of ten, and some brought in 20 groups of five. The students sorted and counted their items and then shared them with the class.


For brain breaks in between longer lessons, we have been playing the old fashioned game Simon. But, we added a modern twist by playing it on the Promethean board. I love this game because it helps the students build their listening skills, attention span, and memory. The students love it because it is fun and fast paced. You can find the game here.

Doubles Snack

To review the concept of using doubles to solve addition and subtraction number situations, the students made edible dominoes. They added icing on top of a graham cracker and then drew a line down the middle with the knife. Then, they added one chocolate chip to each side to represent the pips on a domino. As they did this, they said the related addition and subtraction number sentence. Then, of course, they ate them!

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