Monday, May 14, 2012

David Shannon: Comparing Stories

After reading Toy Many Toys and A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon, we discussed how the books were the same and different. We charted the student responses on a Double Bubble Map. The students then completed a Venn Diagram independently to compare the stories.

Using the Venn Diagram for help, the students created a four-tier foldable to identify one way that the two stories were the same and then something that was different yet related.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great project! So often I see that the venn diagram is the "project" when students are comparing two things... and venn diagrams are a little boring! This really adds a product to the project. I love it and will use it for so many things! Thanks for sharing! I've loved following your blog over the past school year and watching your students grow as learners.


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