Thursday, January 19, 2012

Podcasting for Educational Purposes

Many of you have emailed recently asking how the students record themselves reading. You've also asked how we turn those recording into podcasts. We use podcasting to give the students a real audience for their reading - I've found that students improve and work harder when they realize someone is listening to them. The first year that I started using this method, I saw the students' fluency rate jump alomst 20 words per minute in a month! We also use the podcasting so students can hear what they really sound like and to help them hear first hand areas that need improvement. I learned this method through our instructional media specialist, Sharon Thornton. You can learn more about the technical side of podcasting through one of my previous blog posts: This post links to Mrs. Thornton's website with more detailed information. Mrs. Thornton's page has so many great resources to check out!

Pennies for Pasta Donation Drive

Pasta for Pennies
Donation Drive for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
January 13th-February 3rd

Our school is currently collecting donations for the Leukemia and Lymphona society. Your donation may be in the form of coins, cash, or check, payable to the Leukemia and Lymphoma society. You may also donate online at:

The class that collects the most money for our school will receive a pasta party courtesy of Olive Garden. Last year our school raised $2,413.89!! Our goal is to raise at least $3,000 this year for this cause. Listed below are some other activities we will have going on during our donation drive:

1. On Wednesday, November 18th, Mike Moseley will be going purple. We will all wear purple to show our support for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

2. On Wednesday, November 25th, Mike Moseley will put a cap on blood cancers. Everyone will wear his or her favorite cap to school.

3. On Wednesday, February 1st, Mike Moseley will give blood cancers the slip. We all will wear our slippers to school.

4. If we reach our goal of $3,000 Ms. Terry - the school counselor, along with some of our teachers, will dance in tutus at pride rally.

5. On Friday, January 20th, and Friday, January 27th, Ms. Terry will have a surprise for the class that raised the most money that week.

***In just three days this week, our class has raised almost $80.00!!! Way to go!***

Don't Let the Cows Out!

A few years ago in an effort to find an engaging way for the students to practice math facts, I created a game called "Don't Let the Cows Out!" In this game, the students sit in a circle on the floor and take turns throwing two large foam dice into the center - we call the dice "cows." The first student to add the two numbers together stays in the middle and competes against the next player. The students are the fence and we have a rule that if the "cows" get out of the fence, you lose your turn and have to go clean up after the know, "cow patties." Yes, I realize this is strange but the kids love it!  And, it discourages the students from throwing the dice all over the room. I have no idea why this idea came to me but it surprisingly works and the kids love it! Now that the students are well-versed in the rules and expectations of this game, I can assign a "trail boss" to monitor the game while I provide other students with small group instruction in math. The students who are not in the middle provide encouragement with cheers and by pretending to make food for players who have been in the circle for a while. It keeps the students active while waiting their turn. We try to play this game at least fifteen minutes per math period to spiral in math facts but they would play all day if I would let them. They love it so much they ask to play it when we have indoor recess.

Dice Addition

I recently saw an idea online about keeping dice in plastic baby food containers for the students to use as addition practice. While in my hometown for the Christmas break, I came across small colorful containers at a dollar store. They were perfect for the dice. Each student has their own container with two dice in it. They shake the dice and practice adding the two numbers together. The students keep the dice containers in a basket on their table where they also keep phonics books and practice clocks. The materials in these desk baskets are used for when the students finish work early.

Texas Rangers Visit!!!

The students and staff at Moseley welcomed very speical guests to the school on Tuesday! Tom Grieve and Michael Kirkman from Texas Rangers, along with Captain, came to speak to the students. The kids were so excited. Thanks to the Texas Rangers for making time to remind the students of hte importance of school and for allowing time for the students to ask them questions.

"I Have a Dream" Podcast

In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and as a part of our Social Studies lessons, the students wrote their own dreams. We discussed how Dr. King believed that all people should be treated fairly and judged not by the color of skin but by their actions. After writing their dreams, the students recorded them using Audacity software. You can listen to the podcast with the player below or download it from our podcasting site hosted by PodBean.

Monday, January 16, 2012

If I Lived in a Snowglobe Podcast

Here is a podcast of the students reading what they would do if they lived in a snowglobe. The podcast was recorded using Audacity software and was then uploaded to our class podcasting site hosted by Podbean.

Hand in Hand with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Last week we learned about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his contributions to society. As we read various books about him and created timelines of his life, we added information to a class Circle Map. The students then created their own Circle Map of important information. They then used these Circle Maps to write five facts about him on a multicultural handprint. We then displayed the hands on the bulletin board along with a timeline of his life that I got from a Time magazine a few years ago.

If I Lived in a Snowglobe...

This is another idea that I found on Pinterest. Our class, along with Ms. Branch's class, recently had the responsibility of sharing something we learned during our weekly Pride Rally. Each student created a snowglobe and illustrated one thing they would do if they lived in the snowglobe. They then wrote the sentence. Each student shared their sentence at Pride Rally.

The Emperor's New Clothes

Last week we read The Emperor's New Clothes and the students again created a foldable to retell the story in their own words. This story is pretty complex for first grades but they did a good job!

Cinderella and Prince Cinders

As a part of our study of fairy tales, we read Prince Cinders by Babette Cole. Prince Cinders is a funny and modern twist to the classic Cinderella story. After reading, the students discussed with a partner events that were similar and different from the two stories. We then created a class Double Bubble map to chart their findings. The students then took notes on their own Double Bubble map. They then created a foldable to describe two events in the story that are similar, but not exact, along with the main idea that makes them similar. For example, in Cinderella, she goes to a ball. In Prince Cinders, he goes to a disco. In both, they go to a party.

Cinderella: Reality or Fantasy

The last few weeks we have been reading various fairy tales. One of our lessons focused on identifying events in Cinderella that could be real and events that could only be fantasy. After reading the book and discussing, the students wrote one event that could be real and one that was fantasy.

The Princess and the Pea

Last week we read The Princess and the Pea in order for the students to practice retelling the main events. The students then created foldables to write and illustrate what happened in the beginning, middle, and end of the story.

Missing In Action...

In case you wondered where I disappeared to...I'm here! While on Christmas break I realized how nice it is to have nothing work-related to do in my "off" time. With that said, I love my job but needed a mini-break from coming home and jumping straight into work again. I tend to spend hours working at home - like most teachers do - once the school bell rings. But, I love blogging and see great value in it for both parents and fellow teachers. So, I'm back and new blog posts are soon to follow!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Holiday Party

For our holiday party this year, the students created their own edible Christmas trees. They used a sugar cookie for the tree skirt and then placed an ice cream cone on the top for the tree. They covered the tree in green icing and then decorated it with M&Ms and Skittles. They then used Starbursts as the presents around the tree. For a special drink, they were treated to Sprite with Candy Canes in them. They loved watching the Sprite change colors. I think they had more fun making their treats than they actually did eating them! Click below to watch a slideshow of pictures from their party.

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Polar Express Ornament and Gift

Each year the teachers at our school give the students a Polar Express train ornament with a class picture on it. Thankfully we have parent volunteers who are willing to help with this project for the kids. It is a nice keepsake and helps them remember this special tradition at our school. In our grade we also give the students silver bell necklaces to help the students make a connection to the gift in the story.

Polar Express Day

Last Friday the students were treated to a special story time in the library with our principal, Mrs. Oliver. Mrs. Oliver read The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg. The students were very comfy as they listened because it was also pajama day. Following the reading, the students enjoyed hot chocolate.

Holiday Sing-Along

All the students joined together last Friday in the cafeteria for a holiday sing-along. They students were so happy and singing so loudly!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

"Snow" Fun!

This morning the students practiced writing words and drawing pictures in "snow" (otherwise known as shaving cream). The students love playing in shaving cream and it is a great tool to keep students engaged. We use shaving cream for many purposes such as writing word wall words, drawing sticks and dots for place value practice, writing addition and subtraction sentences to word problems, etc.

Christmas Light Addition

To help the students practice addition and to have a little painting fun, the students used Do-A-Dot Paints to create Christmas lights in two colors. They then counted how many of each color they used to create their lights and wrote corresponding number sentences with labels. We have been working on using labels when answer addition and subtraction word problems.

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